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TGN's™® Marketing Plan

"If we don't change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed."

- Old Chinese Proverb

The Marketing Plan is the central and guiding lamp for directing and coordinating the marketing effort. Organizations need to improve their efficiency and overall tactical success by creating sound Marketing Plans. Marketing Engineering can have several benefits that are possible with relational database global marketing planning systems. This means that the organization can transform itself into a learning organization "which continuously and flexibly zeroes in on the best opportunities in the marketplace."

To implement a marketing plan, managers generally have three basic tasks:
To set up general strategy plan(s) for the company.
To direct the execution of the plan(s).
To evaluate, analyze, and control the plan(s) in actual operation.

These three steps lead to the marketing strategy by selecting the target (particular groups of end-users to whom a company wishes to appeal) and developing a marketing mix - choosing the elements which a company intends to combine in order to reach the target.

The job of marketing, then, is one of continuous planning, execution, and control. Its primary objectives are to select target end-users and to design a marketing mix to effectively reach them.

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